From to-do apps and day planners, to spreadsheets and full-blown subscription services, making your work trackable and visible can really help with productivity. P2 is the tool we use at [...]
We’re excited to tell you more about’s new navigation experience. The update makes managing your entire site more intuitive and creates consistency across all parts of [...]
Publishing WordPress content on Twitter just got a whole lot easier. You can already bring single Tweets or threads, also known as Tweetstorms, over from Twitter to WordPress, and now we’re [...]
In the last few years, the teams working on the block editor have learned a lot about how people build sites now and how they want to build sites in the future. The latest version represents [...]
As the world fights to bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control, another crisis looms. In late 2018, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned that if we want [...]
dal 20 April 2020 su: https:We’ve made a small change to the WordPress mobile apps to make it easier for you to navigate and edit your pages. In previous versions of WordPress for iOS and Android, your pages were [...]
A domain name is what you type into your browser address bar to access a website. It usually consists of the name of the website or business and a domain extension like .com or .net. Domains [...]
I panpepati sono pronti e già impacchettati, tra un po’ mi appreso a preparare i cannelloni di carne per il pranzo di Natale 2015. Non ho voglia quest’anno di pubblicare ricette o [...]
dal 21 December 2015 su: pausagolosa.wordpress.comNovembre è il mese della zucca e a noi foodblogger piace fare le zuccone, non è vero? Abbiamo la testa dura come nessuno e se ci mettiamo in testa di fare una ricetta, la dobbiamo fare. Mi [...]
Era da un po’ che volevo pubblicare questa ricetta, a me piace tantissimo questo piatto, ha dentro terra e mare. E’ poco articolata nell’esecuzione ma è sicuramente di grande [...]
Ciao a tutti questa volta una pausagolos@ salata che viene direttamente da una cucina siciliana, sarà che con la Sicilia (vedi i loro dolci stupendi ) ed i siciliani ho da sempre un rapporto di [...]
Da tempo passavo davanti la Pasticceria Gori dove prendevo le paste la domenica mattina e notavo le saracinesche abbassate. Dovete sapere per chi non è di Garbatella o Circonvallazione Ostiense [...]
dal 16 November 2015 su: pausagolosa.wordpress.comThe end of the year is here, and with it comes a season of excitement and celebration! Whether you’re bundling up in cozy sweaters and snow boots or soaking up the sun in swimsuits, this [...]
If most food bloggers had their way, a recipe blog post would likely be simpler—a few images, a short introduction with helpful tips, and the recipe itself. Sadly that’s not the reality of [...] is an organization — like others within Automattic — that is heavily invested in Open Source and the democratization of the web. We genuinely believe that everyone should [...]
At, we’re always pushing our platform to do even more so that you can create, design, and publish amazing things with ease. Our newest features go a little deeper into the [...]
At, we’re always adding features and pushing our blocks and Site Editor to do more so that you can create, design, and publish amazing things with ease. Our newest features are [...]
You’re already familiar with, but did you know we’re part of a larger family of amazing products? Automattic provides a range of online solutions, from ecommerce shops to [...]
Ever since the block editor was introduced in 2018, we’ve been pushing it to do more — and our latest crop of improvements will help you build posts and pages on your site with [...]
We promised you “more is coming” in our latest update—and now more is here. More features that make the finest video service for WordPress even more powerful. You can upload more content [...]
Integrating your social media presence with your website has never been easier. We offer many options and tools that are available on all plans, at no additional cost. Whether you [...]