A breve, fra il 23 e il 27 ottobre prossimi, Milano diventa con HOST la capitale dell’accoglienza professionale, dove saranno presentate le novità del settore Ho.Re.Ca., della GDO, dell’hotellerie e del food service. Negli spazi di Fiera Milano, nella zona di Rho/Pero, non lontano da Expo Milano, sarà possibile visitare i 14 padiglioni di HOST, con 2.000 espositori, suddivisi in tre macro-aree che riuniscono settori affini dedicati a: Ristorazione Professionale con Pane-Pasta-Pizza; Caffè-Tea con il [...leggi]
L’immagine irrompe sullo schermo con tutta la sua brutalità. Un pugno di temerari con un piccolo gommone cerca di interferire con le operazioni di una baleniera. Si vede, nel filmato [...]
We’re thrilled to announce that, starting today, WordPress.com Business users can connect their sites to their online stores. With three leading ecommerce partners to choose from — [...]
“Net Neutrality” is the simple but powerful principle that cable and broadband providers must treat all internet traffic equally. Whether you’re loading a blog post on WordPress.com, [...]
Each day, you blog, you create, and you make things with your WordPress.com site. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the code that runs WordPress.com gets updated dozens of times a day, as we deploy [...]
I TESTAROLI AL PESTORicetta della Tradizione, originaria di: Pontremoli - Lunigiana e Genova - LiguriaIngredienti:600 gr di farina 0½ litro di acquaSalePer il pesto clicca il [...]
dal 16 January 2014 su: www.lecinqueerbe.itI’m sure we’ve all experienced this — reading through a comment thread, and seeing a particularly well-written comment, whether it be informative, insightful, or just plain [...]
A year ago today, we joined the world in shock on learning that governments were spying on internet users around the world. Tapping internet service providers’ undersea cables, intentionally [...]
Sketch has barely been available for two weeks, but you’d never know it. This clean, cheerful, portfolio-focused theme is already a favorite — and not just for artists and [...]
dal 2 September 2014 su: en.blog.wordpress.comWhenever I get the chance to travel, I always photograph local street art. The topics, colors, and scenes help me absorb the feel and atmosphere that makes each destination truly unique. Join me [...]
Check out Edin and Espresso — today’s spiffy new additions to our massive family of themes. Edin Edin is a brand-new, free business theme designed by yours truly. It’s a [...]
Today we’re proud to present a brand new free theme, designed especially for large organizations and government by Automattic’s own Michael Arestad. Big Brother Big Brother offers [...]
Today we’re taking a trip back in time with our latest free theme, Eighties! Eighties Think big hair, mixtapes, and beloved family sitcoms, and you have what is arguably one of the [...]
dal 4 September 2014 su: en.blog.wordpress.comDopo il successo di Unti e Bisunti, la trasmissione dedicata allo street food in onda la scorsa estate su DMAX, Chef Rubio torna in televisione il 22 dicembre con il nuovo [...]
Today we’re excited to announce that we are acquiring Longreads, the pioneering service that helps readers find and share the best longform storytelling around the world, for reading on mobile [...]
You’ve just started your shiny new blog and you’d like some help as you get up to speed on WordPress.com. Or, maybe you’d like some inspiration to write every day. On September [...]
WordPress.com is proud to release our first-ever transparency report. Get schooled on the number of information requests, takedown demands, and national security requests we've received.
Sketch has barely been available for two weeks, but you’d never know it. This clean, cheerful, portfolio-focused theme is already a favorite — and not just for artists and [...]
We just gave our emoticons a loving redesign. Check them out: they're sure to bring a smile to your face.
Extra, extra, read all about it: we're thrilled to announce a whole batch of improvements to your blogs, from image editing in the body of your posts to better, sleeker audio playlists -- and more.
April is National Poetry Writing Month! To participate in NaPoWriMo 2014, write a poem each day this month. Read on for details.
From sketches to digital art narratives, here’s a visual journey into the worlds of ten illustrators on WordPress.com. Brad Young The drawings at Brad Young Art capture life’s [...]
The mission of WordPress.com is to democratize publishing. We’re inspired every day by the ways creators use our platform to bring their voices to the world. Unfortunately, we also see many [...]