WordPress.com News - en.blog.wordpress.com

A Faster Mobile Web: WordPress.com Updates for Accelerated Mobile Pages

A Faster Mobile Web: WordPress.com Updates for Accelerated Mobile Pages

Earlier this year we were proud to announce that WordPress.com users’s sites would automatically support Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) — a new open-source project spearheaded by Google [...]

tags : bar
dal 7 October 2016 su:
Customizing Twenty Sixteen: Four Takes on Our Annual Theme

Customizing Twenty Sixteen: Four Takes on Our Annual Theme

Every year we release an annual flagship theme as a blank canvas for bloggers, artists, professionals, and business owners. This year’s creation, Twenty Sixteen, is a gorgeous theme [...]

tags : menu bacon
dal 27 January 2016 su:
locali carne e pesce
Three Ways to Refresh Your Website in 2016

Three Ways to Refresh Your Website in 2016

The new year is a great time to hit refresh and set new goals. If your website looks and feels a little stale, now is the time to make a change! Here are three quick ways to freshen up your [...]

dal 13 January 2016 su:
New Theme: Sapor

New Theme: Sapor

Today, I’ve got a great new theme for you called Sapor. Sapor is a minimal theme that lets you showcase your passion, whether it’s cooking or gardening or healthy living. Whatever [...]

dal 17 September 2015 su:
Introducing: Our New Action Bar

Introducing: Our New Action Bar

We strive to make all aspects of using WordPress.com streamlined and intuitive, from following a great new blog to editing a post on the go. Today, we’re happy to present the new action [...]

dal 26 August 2015 su:
Heather Matarazzo’s Personal Stories from Inside and Outside Hollywood

Heather Matarazzo’s Personal Stories from Inside and Outside Hollywood

Actor Heather Matarazzo has only published a few posts on her new blog, but each one has stirred up an incredible response from inside and outside the WordPress.com community. Her first essay [...]

dal 12 August 2015 su:

Better Blogging Through Podcasts: Announcing RadioPublic Embeds

We love podcasts: they’re like the blogging version of radio, a medium anyone can jump into and use to share their story. They introduce us to new voices and give us glimpses into new [...]

tags : doc
dal 16 August 2017 su:
Four Food Blogs to Follow Now

Four Food Blogs to Follow Now

From sweet to savory, these four fantastic food blogs will satisfy your appetite. If you enjoy eating (and who doesn’t?!), check them out and follow them in your Reader so you won’t miss a [...]

dal 15 July 2015 su:
locali alcolici
New Theme: Libre

New Theme: Libre

dal 2 July 2015 su:
Early Theme Adopters: Resonar

Early Theme Adopters: Resonar

Resonar, designed by Automattic’s own Takashi Irie, made its debut in March. Created for food and design bloggers to showcase photography and longform posts, we’ve loved watching [...]

tags : menu
dal 10 June 2015 su:
Street Photography: Seven Photos

Street Photography: Seven Photos

It’s no secret that I love to pore through the street photography tag in the WordPress.com Reader and share images that catch my attention. Join me on another trip around the world as seen [...]

tags : china
dal 22 May 2015 su:
New Theme: Cyanotype

New Theme: Cyanotype

It’s the time of the week again, Happy Theme Thursday! We’re pleased to present a new free theme, Cyanotype: Cyanotype Cyanotype, designed by yours truly, is a monochromatic blog [...]

dal 16 April 2015 su:
Keep Connected! Expats and Nomads Blog Around the World

Keep Connected! Expats and Nomads Blog Around the World

We don’t write blogs purely for ourselves — we write them to be read. For people who live far from family and friends, blogs serve twin readerships: they give the intrepid [...]

dal 15 April 2015 su:
pane pasta riso alcolici

Launching: All New Media Picker for Android

There’s this… thing… in the Android WordPress app that we refer to as the “seven-item menu.” It would show up when trying to add a photo to confront you with a list of choices and we [...]

tags : bar menu
dal 18 May 2017 su:
One Theme, Three Ways: Customizing Twenty Fifteen

One Theme, Three Ways: Customizing Twenty Fifteen

Our default theme this year, Twenty Fifteen, draws visitors’ eyes to what matters most — the text and images you publish on your site. Crisp typography, generous spacing, [...]

dal 27 January 2015 su:
Around the World in Nine Photos

Around the World in Nine Photos

It’s in the grip of North American winter that I often dream of escape to warmer climates. Thanks to the WordPress.com Reader and the street photography tag, I can satisfy my travel yen [...]

dal 13 January 2015 su:
Longreads’ Best of WordPress, Vol. 9

Longreads’ Best of WordPress, Vol. 9

Here’s more great reading for you: five stories we love from across all of WordPress. 1. Spaces of Freedom in Iran Jake Threadgould An account of one traveler’s stay in Iran: On my [...]

tags : rubino
dal 12 December 2014 su:
Upgraded Stats and Navigation Enhancements

Upgraded Stats and Navigation Enhancements

We’ve been updating WordPress.com to make it faster and more powerful behind the scenes. We’ve now introduced some changes to the WordPress.com interface as well, making website, blog, and [...]

tags : bar
dal 9 December 2014 su:

A Distraction-Free Writing Space at WordPress.com

Today we’re proud to unveil some design changes to the WordPress.com editor. It has the same great features you’ve come to expect, but with a cleaner, more refined experience — and [...]

tags : menu
dal 13 March 2017 su: