Say hello to Piano Black, the newest theme to launch on This dark and elegant theme showcases your content with a design that feels sophisticated yet techy and modern. Piano Black [...]
Today we’re excited to launch Matala, our newest theme. You might recognize this one — it was once the primary theme for, Matt Mullenweg’s blog. Last year, Matala was [...]
Add a dash of color to your site with Liquorice, a wonderful new theme now available on Gorgeous textures and smooth-as-silk typography make this a striking backdrop for your [...]
Back in the middle of 2009, we launched our very own HD video service called VideoPress. Since then we’ve made a bunch of improvements including the ability to natively share videos in [...]
Say hello to our newest theme, Choco. If I had to sum this theme up in just one word, it’d be stylish. With dark colors and stitched borders Choco will give your site a classy, [...]
dal 25 February 2011 su: you ever come across a blog post that you enjoyed so much you wanted to easily share it with the readers of your own blog? Sure, you can copy and paste the link and perhaps even a snippet [...]
Have you ever wanted to quote or share a tweet but had to painstakingly take screenshots of said tweet, upload them, and then embed the images in your post? Today we are launching a new feature [...]
Today’s new theme is Notepad. A richly styled and beautiful, personal theme inspired by iPhone’s Notes application. The Notepad Theme With Notepad you have the option of displaying [...]
dal 21 May 2010 su: Types is one of the sharpest looking themes around and I’m excited to let you know that today it’s now available on Let’s take a look at what it has to [...]
We’ve always sort-of had profiles here on — you probably remember giving your name and such when you first signed up for — but they’ve always [...]
Today, we’re bringing you another new theme. Neutra is a simple and elegant theme. Dabs of color accent this typographically focused theme built upon a solid grid-based design. Neutra The [...]
I’m happy to present to you, “Motion,” a dashing new theme inspired by movement and film. Bursting with style and options, Motion is a clean, colorful, and charismatic new [...]
dal 11 February 2010 su: you been hearing a bunch of hubbub around the web lately about the upcoming release of WordPress version 3.0? I know I have, and it’s always fun to hear what people are saying when we [...]
The other day I talked about micro-blogging and mega-blogging and shared my view that new forms of social media, including micro-blogging, are complementary to blogging. We’ve seen [...]
This weekend, November 14-15, a whole bunch of the friendly faces from Automattic and will be in New York City to attend WordCamp NYC. If you’re a NYC area local (and [...]
Customizing your theme just got easier! The Custom CSS Upgrade now provides the ability to save revisions of your code and uses the same engine that WordPress uses for post revisions. If you [...]
Check out this address: If you visit it, you’ll end up right back here. The nice thing about it is that it’s a short link, about 70% smaller than the [...]
Preparazione: 20 minuti Cottura: 30 minuti INGREDIENTI Per 4 persone 4 petti di pollo (150g cad.) 250g di spinaci surgelati tritati 4 funghi champignon 1 gambo di sedano 1 cipolla 90g di burro [...]