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Che c'entra con un blog sul cibo, si chiedera qualcuno?
C'entra perché sotteso al discorso sul cibo nel papero giallo c'è sempre stato un tentativo di affermare uno stile di vita e questo film, girato da un italiano che vive e lavora in Svezia, Erik Gandini, ma che ha abitato in Italia fino ai 19 anni, può turbare per la sua "oggettività".
Nulla di inventato o forzato, non è un film di denuncia, fa vedere quello che è sotto i nostri occhi e nei nostri televisori ogni giorno.
Non è certo inventato il filmato "Meno male che Silvio c'è" [...leggi]
We’re thrilled to announce that, starting today, Business users can connect their sites to their online stores. With three leading ecommerce partners to choose from — [...]
La sbriciolata alla ricotta e more è una deliziosa crostata di pasta frolla alla quale è molto difficile resistere. Questo tipo di dolce può essere realizzato anche con altre farciture tra le [...]
Each day, you blog, you create, and you make things with your site. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the code that runs gets updated dozens of times a day, as we deploy [...]
Sketch has barely been available for two weeks, but you’d never know it. This clean, cheerful, portfolio-focused theme is already a favorite — and not just for artists and [...]
Non importa come, non importa cosa, non importa chi: ogni volta che Dissapore parla di gelato, puntualmente, uno dei nostri lettori scrive: sì, vabbè, ma quando rifate la classifica delle [...]
dal 20 June 2013 su: www.dissapore.comBushwick has become the theme of choice for tens of thousands of bloggers since we launched it a few months ago. It’s easy to see why: its typography and layout make posts highly [...]
A year ago today, we joined the world in shock on learning that governments were spying on internet users around the world. Tapping internet service providers’ undersea cables, intentionally [...]
Whenever I get the chance to travel, I always photograph local street art. The topics, colors, and scenes help me absorb the feel and atmosphere that makes each destination truly unique. Join me [...]
dal 11 July 2014 su: saprete se non avete trascorso l’estate nascosti sotto una roccia come un anfibio per sfuggire al sole implacabile, il giudice di MasterChef e maschio alfa Joe Bastianich ha appena [...]
Many of the themes in our Theme Showcase are great for writing and reading longer articles and stories, from our classic default themes — including Twenty Fourteen and Twenty Twelve [...]
Last week was the 70th anniversary of D-Day, the start of the Allied landing in Normandy, France, that contributed to the end of World War II. While some marked it with (deserved) pomp and [...]
Automatticians, the people who build, participate in events and projects around the world every day. Periodically, they report back on the exciting things they do when not in front [...]
dal 4 July 2014 su: Laura: ho smesso con la lana per due motivi : primo, scoprendo la pratica del musling fatta in Australia e fino a poco tempo fa in Nuova Zelanda (descritta da Vu). Ho letto che il 50% della [...]
Here’s the first official edition of Longreads’ Best of WordPress! We’ve scoured 22% of the internet to create a reading list of great storytelling — from publishers you already [...]
GoDaddy’s Quick Blogcast service is being retired, and will shut down permanently on June 25th, 2014. Nobody likes to lose the content they’ve spent time creating, though. If [...]
Today we’re happy to announce two new free themes, Circa and Quadra! If these two look familiar, there’s good reason. Based on Hexa, they share a similar design, but with unique [...]
The Twenty Fourteen theme is barely three months old, but it’s already one of the most popular themes on — understandable, since its flexible, magazine-style layout [...]
Tough note to communicate today: Automattic had a low-level (root) break-in to several of our servers, and potentially anything on those servers could have been revealed. We have been diligently [...]