Magnate Express: Narrow View What better way to celebrate the excitement of WordCamp San Francisco this week than with a premium theme launch! Our latest, from WooThemes, is called Magnate [...]
We’re excited to announce the addition of .CO as a new top-level domain on If you’re interested in buying a custom domain name for a new or existing site, you can [...]
Need to get your Notifications on the go? With version 2.4 of WordPress for Android you’ll see all your Notifications right on your Android device. Step away yet stay [...]
Imagine this: you have access to the diaries of your mother or father: Windows into your family’s past. Snapshots of moments of history. What would this process be like? To sift through [...]
All kinds of organizations make their home on small businesses, municipalities, religious organizations, schools, community groups. We also provide an online HQ for quite a few [...]
dal 14 May 2013 su:’re constantly working on updates to our mobile apps to make your experience on the go the best it can be. Today, we’ve jubilantly released version 2.3 of WordPress for [...]
At, we’ve launched a collection of improvements to smooth your editorial workflow, and save you time writing posts and organizing your content. Here’s what’s [...]
If you use our default mobile theme, you’ve noticed that we recently gave it a new design. We’ve also added two new options to the theme to give you more control over your mobile [...]
dal 29 March 2013 su: you a small business owner who wants an interactive website with demo videos? A pro blogger who wants to try out a bunch of premium themes before committing? A non-profit building its first [...]
We’ve launched themes especially for people planning and documenting their weddings, like the elegant themes Forever and Ever After, and the charming, playful Lovebirds and Blissful [...]
Yesterday, we highlighted two themes, Ever After and Sight. Today, we continue with our responsive theme showcase with two more beautiful themes designed to make sites look their best on any [...]
We know many of you document and share your experiences with Instagram, so we’re excited to announce that you can now embed images from Instagram on your blog. As with other embeds, [...]
dal 29 October 2012 su: week in the Reader, we cheered on a man versus nature and versus himself, we revelled in a meditation on the sensuousness of hand-written vs. typed composition, and we laughed out loud at a [...]
In August, bloggers hit us with their best: Smart takes on the month’s biggest stories. Thoughtful musings on culture. Photographs and art that bring the world to life. The [...]
We’ve just released two improvements that will make even more efficient for you, leaving you more time to create content. Site Stats If you get a lot of traffic to your blog, [...]
Stuff happens all the time on You’re blogging, commenting, liking, and following like never before. Every hour a record is broken and someone’s day is made. [...]
It’s Android blogging, re-imagined. Today we’re announcing the release of WordPress for Android 2.0, a major update that focuses on a new UI and enhanced post editor features. Check [...]
We’re excited to share some new features that will make it even faster to create content on your site. Drag & Drop Uploads The media uploader now supports drag and drop! [...]